Middle East Medievalists awards a biennial Book Prize to recognize significant contributions to our field. Congratulations to Jocelyn Hendrickson, winner of the 2023 Book Prize; and to Reyhan Durmaz and Kristina Richardson, who received honorable mention. Read more…

The Board of Directors of MEM endorses the statement of MESA on the distressing situation in Palestine and Israel. Read more…

Middle East Medievalists awards a biennial Dissertation Prize to recognize outstanding graduate work in fields related to medieval Middle Eastern history. Congratulations to Lorenzo Bondioli, whose dissertation, “Peasants, Merchants, and Caliphs: Capital and Empire in Fatimid Egypt,” completed at Princeton University, won the 2022 Dissertation Prize. Read more…

Since 1992, Al-‘Usur al-Wusta has published short articles, information on scholarly meetings and resources, and reviews or notices of significant scholarly books published in the Middle East in local vernaculars (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish), because these works are generally not reviewed in Western journals and often remain poorly known or unknown to Western scholars. Members are invited to submit brief notices or reviews of such works they may have read, and to submit news of new resources, future conferences, or other items deemed of interest to MEM’s membership, for publication in Al-‘Usur al-Wusta. Read more…

Middle East Medievalists (MEM) is an international professional non-profit association of scholars interested in the study of the Islamic lands of the Middle East during the medieval period (roughly 500 – 1500 CE). Read more…